Optimize your conversion rate
Protect your business against fraud
Analyze every transaction in real time with HiPay Sentinel - a powerful tool to prevent fraud and facilitate frictionless payments through simplified authentication.
Add payment methods
A variety of currencies and payment methods makes a world of difference in meeting customer expectations and boosting sales internationally.
Leverage your payment data
Take advantage of payment data to seize new growth opportunities and make the right strategic decisions.
Customize your payment pages
A successful checkout requires a payment page that truly reflects your brand identity.
Centralize all your payment data
All you need for augmented payment experiences
At HiPay, we believe that building close relationships is essential to guiding you through your payment transition. It starts by understanding your needs:
Improved success rate
Seamless and intuitive purchasing experience
Business growth
International strategy
Simplified financial reconciliation
Fraud prevention through a simple user experience
Support and advice

A powerful, all-in-one management interface
Real-time monitoring
View your transactions and track key performance indicators (KPIs) in just a few clicks to save time daily.
Unified financial management
Benefit from automated financial reconciliation and get detailed account balances for each sales channel or store for better monitoring. Eliminate up to 80% of your accounting teams' work with our simplified financial reconciliation system.
Simplified performance analysis

A payment page as unique as you
- Web page
- Mobile
- Distance payments
A highly personalized and secure payment page reassures users and improves conversion. Create a page that reflects your visual identity with the solution that suits you best:
Integration :

Hosted Fields
Create a payment page that is 100% you, from the design to the payment methods display.

Hosted Page
Customize your page and let our API take care of displaying your forms and payment methods.

Launch your payment page quickly with a simple, secure payment form.
A highly personalized and secure payment page reassures users and improves your conversion rate. It’s as simple as that! Create a payment page that reflects your visual identity with the solution that best suits you:

Hosted Fields
Hosted Page
Generate and accept distance payments with our ready-to-use E-Terminal module. Advantages of distance payments with HiPay:
Customization of your emails and payment page
Variety of payment methods
Payment link in English or French
No required development or integration
Fight fraud effectively
HiPay Sentinel protects you from fraud attempts and adapts to your business thanks to a profile specially created by our risk experts.
Analyzes transactions in real time and assigns a risk level
Protects against financial loss from chargebacks due to fraud
Relaxes PSD2 rules (3DS v2) with exemptions for frictionless payments through simplified authentication

Your questions, our answers
How can you help me develop my business abroad?
Which CMS do you work with?
Learn more about our online sales offer
If you are interested in working with HiPay as a reference partner, please fill out this contact form.
With augmented payments, offer enhanced customer experiences.
Discover innovative ways to drive growth.
Meet our experts
You have a question, we have the answer!
Discover our cutting-edge technology
Book a demo to learn more about our tools and solutions.
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